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Changing Tides Teaser

Changing Tides Teaser

Changing Tides is a sustainable subscription service that focuses on ocean plastic pollution and eliminating the need for single-use plastics. Changing Tides provides customers with the materials they need to begin and sustain a plastic-free lifestyle and offers high quality products and services that will last a customers a happy and healthy lifetime for both them AND our oceans. The year-long subscription service offers four diverse collections (one every three months) that will help people transfer to a more sustainable lifestyle in a gradual, but effective, way. The more we talk about our environmental issues and how we can combat them, the more we consider and seek out sustainable options.


Single-use plastics have been ingrained into how we live our daily lives. From plastic bottle caps to plastic tampon applicators–these items are often littered, not disposed of correctly, and make their way down rivers and streams that lead right to our oceans. One way to reduce this plastic pollution problem is to reduce our own individual plastic use as much as possible, but the transfer to a plastic-free lifestyle can be intimidating and difficult. That’s where Changing Tides can help.

Changing Tides realizes that change can be daunting, but that doesn’t mean that we should avoid it. As long as we push ourselves to make small, but effective changes in our habits, we make progress—together.


A new Changing Tides Collection box will be delivered every three months (for a year), ensuring that the customers have enough time to implement and adjust the new sustainable items into their lives. By providing customers with a year-long subscription service, they don’t keep obtaining items that that don’t need or find useful to them or their lifestyle. The subscription service with Changing Tides includes a Starter Collection, Home Collection, Self-Care Collection, and a Kitchen Collection.


With each delivery of a Changing Tides Collection, a customer will receive an online magazine that is specific to each collection. The online magazines include a breakdown of the items in each box, articles that pertain to each collection category, zero waste recipes, crossword puzzles, and more.

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